Then and Now:1500 New Hampshire Ave., NW

leiter-houseThen: The Leiter House, built in 1891 for Levi P. Leiter. It was eventually razed in 1947. More information and photos of the house can be found at this post.

Dupont HotelNow: The Dupont Hotel (formerly Jurys Washington Hotel) is the structure that replaced the mansion.

One Response to “Then and Now:1500 New Hampshire Ave., NW”

  1. Raymond Leiter Says:

    I don’t think the name was Levi P. Leiter but rather, Levi Z. Leiter.
    The “Z” is for Ziegler. Also you have a typo of “form” when you meant “from”. (I don’t recall exactly where but it was on a page dealing with the Leiter House.
    As you may suspect, I am a distant relative of Levi Z. Leiter.
    The Leiters came to America about 1725 as Mennonites. Levi was in that part of the family that decided to go to Maryland and become Lutherans. Leitersburg, MD was founded by one of Levi’s ancestors.

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